Thursday, November 02, 2006

Tough times does not mean the end for your company

When SARS came to Singapore, it managed to wipe out businesses and even the famous 1.99 shop in Singapore collapsed. Small business owners suffered tremendously because they did not have the deep pockets to endure the long periods of laock of customers.

What can one do to continue to earn money when every business is suffering?! All I can say is there are TONs of opportunities out there. I applaude the creativity of store owners when they know what type of products will be relevant to the peoples' need. Even when people are losing money, they have reinvented themselves by brining in different type of 'seasonal' stocks that will create profits for them in order to survive.

Let's look at certain problems and what products/services that will likely be popular:
HAZE- air purifiers, skin care, vitamins and masks
BIRD FLU- Flu jabs, vitamins, rise in prices of other meat products, vegetarian products
DENGUE FEVER- Anti mosquito patches or lotions, gym programs, vitamins.

Therefore, if you ask me, if there's a crisis and you still earn money? My answer is YES! Its all about understanding the needs of people and addressing them!