Friday, April 28, 2006

Innovation and Creativity

You know, I'm always disturbed the terms innovation and creativity. I somehow never knew what is the difference between both of them. Are they the same words; just used inter-changeably or totally different words? A quick search in revealed this:

Creativity: One who displays productive originality. Characterized by originality and expressiveness

Innovation: The act of introducing something new. Something newly introduced.

Despite of whatever school of thought you come from, allow me to speak from my understanding of it. Creativity is some original ideas that are derived from someone's thinking, but it may not neccessary translate into action. However, innovation demands not just the thinking, but physical action. Henceforth, a thought exclaimed by someone could be considered as creative, but to only put into action can one be considered innovative.

We usually think of creativity or innovation as a step by step procedure, one that needs to build upon the success of another idea. However, I believe that it can be rather explosive and huge when it comes around, eg. the invention of aeroplanes by Wright Brothers, the telephone by Alexander Graham Bell. These are revoluntionary ideas that took the world by storm. These are not small ideas that came out from others' minds but rather creative and innovative at the same time. My challenge to you is "Are you going to settle for small breakthroughs or HUGE ones?" Don't settle for the small stuff, but go for the BIG idea.

Its all the same effort, we just need to bring it to fruitation. Take action!

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