Monday, July 24, 2006

Education makes us risk adverse?

It seems crystal clear to everyone in Singapore that having a good education is extremely important. Education itself is very important in training the mind to think and express itself. Most people feel that without a solid education (and that means getting a good degree), you will never make it in society? Should it be so or rather should it dicate what our destiny is like?

All over the world, everyone is studying frantically to get at least a degree. In fact, a degree is now so common that you have to be 'one notch' higher than the rest and get that master's degree. In my humble opinion, I feel that people studying for master's program are often risk adverse in their approach in life. Allow me to qualify what I mean by risk adverse.

More often (realise that I use the words 'more often'), people study further because they want a good quality of life for themselves and family. When you ask people why do they want to study for a master's, the answer is usually:

"I need to get ahead of the rest"
"There's no further promotion if I don't carry on"
"After getting it, I'm sure the company will pay me better"

The above reasons show that a person studies simply because he wants a better quality of life. This makes a person want to get a better job or a higher pay to comensurate his time in studies. By doing so, he cannot be develop the entreprenuer within him/her because they are looking for a high paying job. This effectively eradicates the risk taking nature because this person finds comfort in the better quality of life.

If you think about it, there are many people who are successful in life because they did not take the usual route of life. People like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Michael Dell never finished a degree course. Sim Wong Hoo, Singapore's sound blaster prodigy only had a diploma and a big dream. These people had 'nothing' but dared to dream BIG. Not only they dreamt, but they pursued it with a great hunger for success. They did not let their 'lack of education' stop them from overcoming their obstacles in life.

I'm not putting down education, but just wondering if it does make us risk adverse? Well, that's a question for us all to deliberate on.

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